01 June 2007


If you want to leave a comment, and you don't have a Google account (Ashley Rodgers, etc.), just write your comment and under "Choose Your Identity", just choose "other" or "anonymous".

1 comment:

T. Brandon Lane said...

Weird, So i didn't know how it knew who i was, i figured maybe i had at some time before set up an account with this website. . . But i guess i was just signed in to my google account. . . fun. anywho. I don't know that i'll ever really jump back on the blog bandwagon. I'd rather just write people emails. Unless i make a trip where i don't have enough computer time to write people, then perhaps i'll start a small, find out if i'm still alive, blog.
I don't know if i've ever told you about Coffee cartel, But it's this coffee shop a short bike ride from my house, that's open 24 hr/day. ANd it's wonderful. and the patrons are this interesting blend of people, everything from urban proffesionals to TVs. It's wonderful. YOu my friend, need to come to st. louis, quit being a bum!
ANywho, i feel like i'm writing too much for a "comment". But oh well. I'm going to chicago on monday. See ya there? let me know. I guess that's all. Tell keith i love him! And you too i guess. . . bye:)