24 August 2007

The new game plan.

I got a call from Marissa (my main booker @ Elite) this morning. She and Jan (the V.P. @ Elite) had been discussing me and my career, and feel like I have plateaued. They want to take me to the next level. How? Two things: 1) more pictures in my portfolio (that meet their standard), and 2) traveling (which can provide the pictures if you go to an editorial-focused market...like Greece). But, they understand that the lack of money is holding me back right now.

So, this is their plan for me: From now through December, work here at home, and save money as much as possible. They will only call me to come up to Chicago if/when there are higher paying opportunities, so that I can save money on the back and forth travel and be available to keep working here at home. Then travel in January-February to Greece or a similar market, when I'll have enough money saved up to pay for it. I'll get lots of great pictures when I travel, and when I return, my new & improved portfolio will get me more jobs and take me to the next level. That is their plan for me.

I like it.

Only getting called about jobs with higher profit potential sounds GREAT. It's just so much more efficient in terms of the time & money involved in going to Chicago. It's something I've been wanting ask for, but I've held off because I know my place as a newer model (everyone has to work their way up and put in their time). So, it's what I want and it's their idea! Also it just feels good to get their encouragement to stay here and work. I love being in Macomb and investing in my life here.

I'm going to be helping my parents out, but I'm also going to look for another job here in Macomb. There is a new restaurant opening on the Square that has sparked my interest since the sign went up. Even while I was still planning to go to Greece, when I noticed that restaurant coming in, I had thought how nice it sounded to apply for a job there and just BE in Macomb. So, for the next few months...I will have that opportunity.

So, I filled out the application for "Il Spazio" this afternoon! And I just happened to read in the paper yesterday that the woman who was the owner of Bliss (the clothing boutique on the Square), whom I got to know through shopping there, has now sold it and is going to be the general manager at this new place! I guess this is a franchise of a restaurant in Kirksville, Missouri. It looks really cool. Check out the site.

I've been so utterly dependent upon God--just trying to follow the leading of the Spirit and being obedient to him. And each step is put before me at the proper time. God is preparing me and training me right now. For what, only he knows. But I am so sure that I am in training. My obedience & trust is being tested. I want to be faithful. Jesus said that he who is faithful with a little will be trusted with much. Whatever that "much" is--that's what I'm being trained for. I don't know if I've ever been so in tune with the Holy Spirit for a season of time as I have been lately. And I don't say any of this to boast. I'm just feeling such wonder at it all. Like a little child. Actually, I am boasting. In God. What he says is for real. The life of faith is for real.


T. Brandon Lane said...

I don't really like the idea of you so, not in chicago. :( that makes me a sad panda. . .

StL Steeles said...

That restaurant sounds really cool! I hope you get a job there!!! We'll definitely visit when we're in town. Love you!

nataliemma said...

Oh I'm so glad to hear this. Too much commuting would make me feel like I had a double life. I hope you get the job. Kirksville, eh? That's where Truman State is. It's a tiny town. Maybe they're trying to move into small college towns. Neat! I hope to visit you this fall.... miss you! It's my last day in Boston. Now, back to the grind..................!

MeredithJoy said...

God is good all the time!
hope to see you this weekend!