26 May 2008

Finally, the teaser trailer!

The first shots of Shia on the El were filmed directly after my scene with him on the El. I was still there, hanging out with the crew & watching the filming.


scintillating madness said...

saw this while watching indiana jones with natalie and a few buddies of mine... do you know if you;re still in the movie, or not? i couldnt find you on IMDB.... :-(

Anonymous said...

nope, i still don't know, and i may not know until i go see it in the theater...

Anonymous said...

this is so exciting!! :)

Amy said...

Hi Lindsay!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I have enjoyed reading yours, and I really appreciate your love for all things artistic and dramatic. :) Hope you are doing well!

camel cowboy said...

i saw this trailer when attending indiana jones also--looks great--i dont know how they could leave you out!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were involved with this movie. Very cool! Hopefully your scene will make it through editing. :-) Good luck! Let us know if you make it and we'll definitely be sure to go see the movie.

T. Brandon Lane said...

Corinn! are you working still? when's your next trip to chi-city?